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At the recent (October 2018) Pro Copywriters’ Network annual conference, delegates enjoyed an entertaining take-down of corporate claptrap by that popular Australian copy contrarian, Dr Draper – aka Ryan Wallman, a former doctor, now copywriter for healthcare marketing agency, Wellmark.

It was reassuring to learn that his least favourite word was ‘innovation’. Of course, every company in the world seems to want this word in every communication, without explaining what particular innovations they are talking about. But I’m afraid it still seems like a deal-breaker (ie a sacking offence) to suggest to clients that this over-used word is meaningless without some sort of context.

Sadly, this nonsense has been going on too long, and shows no sign of changing. Here’s an observation I was invited to write by Design Week almost 10 years ago to the day. It was my outlook, as a copywriter, on an industry issue, published going into the new year of 2009…

Writers DW innovation article

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