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How not to sound like everyone else…

Tone of voice. Verbal identity. Brand language. Whatever you call it, each has the same aim: to bring character, coherence and consistency to the way an organisation expresses itself in words. Why? Because adding character helps distinguish you from everyone else. Being coherent provides a richer, more meaningful experience. And being consistent helps build trust... Read more

This little piggy…

The first one went to market. There were others, some eating/not eating roast beef/staying at home, I vaguely remember. For most people, though, it was all about the last one, which went ‘we, we, we’ all the way home. My word, I’ve stumbled upon an allegory for successful business communication! Read more

How to cut a long story short

The more words you use, the fewer people remember. And the greater the chance of confusing or boring your reader, too. But achieving brevity takes time and effort. The only way to shorten your work is to edit ruthlessly. Then edit again. Read more

How to write great headlines

There’s only one rule: grab the reader’s attention. Your headlines or subject lines need to interest or intrigue a reader – and in most cases, tell them what the text is about. The headline’s job is to signpost information, or to stop the reader moving to another page or hitting delete. Read more